Bailey Hall
A building that came online in the early 1900s, Bailey Hall of Science is named after its financial benefactors, Mr. and Mrs. A.I. Bailey. The reinforced concrete structure was erected in 1908-09 for $13,000. The top (second) floor was given to chemistry, the first floor for physics and biology, and the basement, at different times, to home economics, manual training, geology and physics laboratories and even, for a brief time, a snack bar known as Jolly Jingles. It served the Science Department well for more than 50 years until the building of Kettering Science Hall in 1960, at which time Bailey Hall was converted into a residence hall for 40 women with the basement hosting the Student Health Clinic. It served as a dormitory until 2014 when, ironically, Bailey Hall underwent another renovation back into an academic building as temporary housing for science classes and faculty during the construction of the Center for the Sciences and Agriculture. In 2020, Bailey Hall features several classrooms and offices for the Business and Social Sciences departments. The Health & Wellness Center moved from Bailey into the Quaker Recreation Center in Spring 2021.