The Board of Trustees, as provided by the revised Articles of Incorporation, consists of a maximum of 33 people and a minimum of 13, of whom the majority must be members of the Religious Society of Friends. Members of the Board are appointed for four-year terms, with a limit of three successive terms. Each year faculty and student representatives meet with the Board on a regular basis.
All corporate power and authority is vested in and exercised by or under the direction of the Board of Trustees. The Board meets in plenary session three or four times a year. Interim meetings of the Executive Committee are held as needed, usually bi-monthly.
Officers of the Board are Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary. Standing committees include: Executive (the officers and committee chairs), Finance & Audit, Quaker Connections, and Trusteeship. Ad hoc committees are set up from time to time and include Academic Affairs & Enrollment Management, Advancement, Buildings & Grounds, External Relations, Marketing & Communications, and Student Affairs. Additionally, trustees often serve on task forces that consider particular areas of College operations.

Daniel J. Buckley
Chair, Board of Trustees

Brent Bill
Vice Chair, Board of Trustees

Evan Williams
Treasurer, Board of Trustees

Jeremiah Guappone
Secretary, Board of Trustees

Ruth Olmsted
Assistant Secretary, Board of Trustees

Timothy A. Buren
Board of Trustees

Christopher Che
Board of Trustees

Lucy Enge
Board of Trustees

Elizabeth J. Garvey
Board of Trustees

Pam McCoy
Board of Trustees

Jonathan C. McKay
Board of Trustees

Kellye Pinkleton
Board of Trustees

David L. Raizk
Board of Trustees

Elizabeth Salinas Newby (Liz)
Board of Trustees

Lawrence W. Sidwell
Board of Trustees

Lucy Y. Steinitz
Board of Trustees

Taylor Stuckert
Board of Trustees

Nancy Summers
Board of Trustees

Glenn Williams
Board of Trustees