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Theatre Program Scholarships

The following scholarships are available for WC students studying theatre. Please contact Bryan Wallingford, Area Coordinator, for more information on amounts available, applications/auditions, and deadlines.

Heiland-Abegglen Scholarship

• Theatre Major
• 3.5 GPA in theatre classes
• 2.5 GPA overall
• Interview/Audition with department

Lydia White Laughlin Scholarship

• Theatre Major
• 3.0 GPA
• Extracurricular Activities
• Junior or Senior preferred
• Income taken into consideration

Lew Marcuson Scholarship

• Theatre Major
• 3.0 GPA
• Sophomore, Junior, Senior preferred
• Income taken into consideration

Luke Sickle Scholarship

• Theatre Major
• 3.0 GPA
• Aspires to a career in the Arts
• Junior or Senior preferred

Mary Ann Williams Scholarship

• Theatre or Communication Arts major
• 2.5 GPA
• First-time freshman
• African American
• Income taken into consideration

Talent Awards

There are talent awards for students who major or minor in theatre and sign participation agreements to be involved in the productions each semester. Please contact Bryan Wallingford, Area Coordinator, for more information on amounts available, applications, and deadlines.