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WC Students Earn Literary Awards

WInners Named for Kittay Poetry, Bowman Short Fiction and Hardie Literary Analysis Competitions Creative writing in the genres of poetry, short fiction and literary analysis essays took center stage April 20 when Wilmington College students earned recognition for outstanding work. (PICTURED) From the left are: Taylor Turner, Kassandra Vernon, Shiloh Day, Hillary Mitchell, Carey Juillerat, Rian Adams and Jessica Springer. Students garnered cash awards in the Kittay Poetry Competition, Bowman Short Fiction Contest and Cliff Hardie Literary Analysis Essay Competition. Named after its benefactor, 1968 graduate Seth Kittay, the poetry competition winners were: Kassandra Vernon for her poem titled “House,” first place ($400); Carey Juillerat, second place ($200) for “Captivated”: and Jacob Wilson, third place ($100) for “Fight Brother (On Gil Scott-Heron).” Longtime WC English faculty member, the late George Bowman, is the namesake for the short fiction contest. A $150 first place prize went to Shiloh Day for her story titled “Wild,” while Carey Juillerat won second place ($100) for “The Eyes of the Infected” and Hillary Mitchell placed third ($50) for “The Glow.” 1965 alumnus Alan Frankel funds the Cliff Hardie award in honor of his friend and mentor, Hardie, professor emeritus of English. Winners for their literary analysis essay were: Upper Division — Taylor Turner, first place ($350) and Jessica Springer, second ($150); Lower Division — Hillary Mitchell, first ($350), and Rian Adams, second place ($150).