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All Second Year MS in Athletic Training Students Graduating with Jobs

Athletic Training

Also, the OATA Accepted the Students' Research Posters for Its Annual Research Symposium.

The inaugural cohort in Wilmington College's Master of Science in Athletic Training program is going out with a bang. The students will graduate at WC's 147th Commencement Saturday (May 13) and all four already have jobs.

PICTURED: From the left at WC's Student Research Showcase are Jennifer Walker, faculty co-author, Juliette Mueller, Lauren Lin, Allison Harlow, Bailee Faulkner and Dr. Audrey Wagstaff, faculty co-author.

Bailee Faulkner, Lauren Lin, Allison Harlow and Juliette Mueller also had their research posters accepted for presentation at the Ohio Athletic Trainers Assn. (OATA) Research Symposium. Two of them, Faulkner and Linn, by virtue of their scoring highest in OATA's Student Original Research category, were accepted for oral platform presentations at the event, which was held May 5 in Dublin, OH.

That's not all! All four will be published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, the official journal of the Ohio Athletic Training Assn. Also, Linn and Harlow won the Graduate Division at last week's Wilmington College Student Research Showcase and Faulkner presented earlier this spring at the Public Safety AT Society Conference.

Serving as the students' co-authors are Dr. Audrey Wagstaff, professor of social sciences and communication arts, who taught two athletic training research classes, and Jennifer Walker, associate professor of athletic training, who assisted with athletic training-specific research.

The soon-to-be-graduates research topics include Faulkner — Unreported Concussions within Law Enforcement Officers; Harlow — Usage and Influence of Dietary Supplementation Amongst Adolescent Athletes; Linn — Rates of Burnout Among Collegiate Athletic Trainers During the COVID-19 Pandemic; and Mueller — Perceptions Among Athletic Trainers’ Education in Treating Athletes with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity and Autism Disorders.